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Dec 16, 2018

We were in Austin, TX attending eXtreme 365 and the keynote focused on what we can expect in 2019 from the world of Microsoft Business Applications and the Power Platform.

We took some time to reflect on all the changes that have happened over the last 3 years, and see how many things we know and love today were only dreams or perhaps unimaginable back in 2015.

Which made us think, where will we be 3 years from now? Can we make predictions about what will happen by the end of 2021?

Well, five CRM MVPs took on this challenge and made predictions on what will happen within the next 3 years. Some can only be labeled as outrageous or impossible. Some we all agreed are just around the corner.

Each MVP was instructed to write 2 predictions privately and reveal them live during the recording. All of the predictions and reactions you are about to hear are raw and real!

My Guests:

Steve Mordue:

Jonas Rapp:

Jerry Weinstock:

Nick Doelman: