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Oct 22, 2017

Like many of you, I always complained about the lack of resources available for Microsoft Dynamics CRM/365. That was until I realized that those resources are out there, and they are produced by the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Content Experience team led by Amy Langlois at Microsoft.

So I invited Amy to talk about...

Oct 17, 2017

Originally I thought about releasing this episode the weekend before eXtreme365 USA, but I was able to get a discount code for all my listeners so everyone can register and attend eXtreme365 on November 6-9, 2017 in Long Beach, CA.

We discuss:

  • Why I didn't go to the first few eXtremeCRM events
  • What eXtreme 365 is and...

Oct 16, 2017

This is a short recap of the "Best Practices when Setting up Security" session I led during the 2017 CRMUG Summit in Nashville, TN.

Best practices covered:

  1. Keep it simple
  2. Create your own roles
  3. Use a Layered approach
  4. Allow them to Deactivate
  5. Show the users what matters
  6. Use only one Business Unit
  7. User Ownership over Team...

Oct 8, 2017

The idea for the Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG) grew from the vision of a few Microsoft Dynamics users - to connect with other users and learn firsthand the best way to leverage the software they used every day.

We discuss:

  • CRMUG Mission and why is it so important
  • CRMUG Growth
  • CRMUG Summit 2017
  • Who is involved in...